Job Seeker Recruiter Process

The objective of a candidate that forwards a resume to a recruiter is to obtain interviews with companies that have hired a recruiter to fill a position. The process is similar to the following outline.

Critical Step of Candidate to work with a Recruiter: A candidate must have a professionally created resume to effectively work with a Recruiter. A professional resume writer should understand what a Recruiter wants to see on a resume. This publication identifies what information a Recruiter requires in a resume. If a resume is not professionally prepared by an individual with Recruiter expertise, expect Recruiter opportunities for the job seeker to be reduced.

  1. Attempting to save a few hundred dollars will cost a job seeker thousands of dollars in income. Do not experiment with your career.
  2. Find numerous Recruiters, not just one. A candidate should determine which Recruiters are viable contacts for job opportunities through mail correspondence or by telephone conversations. Mass mailings to Recruiters are an important method to inform Recruiters of candidates availability.
  3. No fee paid by the candidate. The hiring company agrees to pay a fee to a recruiter if a viable candidate is identified, and ultimately hired as a direct result of the Recruiters efforts.
  4. Candidate mails resume. It is suggested that a post card response or similar method be supplied to the Recruiter. As an efficient method of communicating with the candidate. The type of response supplied by the candidate to the Recruiter with the resume and cover letter is illustrated in The Best Directory of Recruiters. The response from Recruiters is an average of 80% within 60 days utilizing postage paid response cards and cover letter system.
  5. Qualify Recruiter. Review the response from Recruiters. Determine if the Recruiter response is agreeable to the job seeker's objectives. Take the next steps in the job search process. The following questions should be asked the Recruiter by the Job Seeker by telephone with a cover letter, resume and response card through the mail. The preferred method by the Recruiter is by mail. If the results of the questions asked of the Recruiter by the job seeker are not clear, find another Recruiter.
Questions to ask Recruiters
Good day, my name is ______________________. Just so that I may understand how you work, I have 5 questions to ask you, do you have about 3 minutes, or should I call back at a more convenient time?

1. What industry specialties and area of expertise does your company focus in? _______________________________________

2. My area of expertise is: ____________________________________________

3. Are you currently working on any Job Orders that my skills could match? Yes ___ No ___

4. If I forward my resume to you today, you should receive it in one week, when should I contact you?
5. How would you like me to work with you? ________________________________________

Candidate Results:
1. Should a resume be sent to this Recruiter? Yes:_____ No:_____

2. Address and Contact Information ________________________________________

"Recruiters are a vital link in the job search market. Recruiters find opportunities for job seekers, and individuals for companies, work with them."

Source: The Original Resume Company©